Walnut Creek Church

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You Raise Me Up

Psalm 119:28 My life dissolves and weeps itself away for heaviness; raise me up and strengthen me according to [the promise of] your word.

During the seasons of our life, there are periods of time that are particularly harder than others.  My dad would often quote Matthew 5:45 saying that the sun rises on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. 

We were never promised that life would be smooth sailing without obstacles.  In fact, John 16:33 says this: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

In 2013 and 2014 our family experienced several heartbreaking difficulties back to back.  Our first grandson passed away invitro and came into this world still born. Instead of rejoicing there was a funeral.  My husband had to have an emergency surgery, my brother and his wife lost her beautiful 19-year-old daughter to a tragic car accident and I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer.  There were intense periods of heaviness and yes weeping that felt as though life was dissolving away.

But God!  God has great promise for us in His word. The Lord has great things and desires great things for us.   We are told in Psalm 119:28 that we are strengthened according to His word.  When all around us seems to fall apart and come undone there is one sure place to go and that is God’s word.  He has the power to keep us in the middle of our storm.  Do not feel guilty or ashamed when you feel like everything is falling apart.  I believe God hurts when we hurt. Cry out to God and he will strengthen you.  Open up the Word of God and let it become ointment to your hurting soul.  God does heal, God does restore, God does care about you! His love is relentless.

Since walking through those difficult days in our family we can testify of the joy of four new babies born to our family. We have survived surgeries, health crisis and cancer.  God has been our peace, our joy, our healer and our victor.  I couldn’t do life without Him.  If you are experiencing emotional heaviness let Him strengthen you today through the power of His word.  Hold fast to His promise of abundant life.


PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, be my strength today.  Remind me of the good promises of your Word.  I confess my need for you. I trust you with my pain and ask you to bring healing to my hurting soul.  In Jesus Name, Amen.