Walnut Creek Church

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Finding Your Song

Psalm 89:1 “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.”

I have always loved to sing.  From a young age I have been involved with children’s choirs at church, singing and playing at different times in my life.  There was a time I might break out in song just for the joy of it.

There came a moment in my life where I lost my song. I just couldn’t sing.  It wasn’t within me.  Life had thrown a lot of heart ache and sorrow our way.  Yesterdays devotion by Gina describes that time.  I was asked by our son to speak at the funeral of the grandson that we lost.  I went home that evening upset.  I was upset with life; I was upset with God and I didn’t know what I was going to do.  It had been several months since I had lost my song because of other things and I felt like giving up. 

Gina and I had been getting up at 5:30 every morning to pray together and when she started to rise that morning, I said that “I really didn’t feel like praying”.  She got up and went into the den to pray.  I laid there angry at God!!

Finally, after a few minutes the guilt overtook me and I got up to go into the den to pray with Gina.  As I was walking into the den, I heard the Lord speak to me very quietly, very gently.  He said “sing”.  I said, “Lord, I can’t sing, I haven’t had a song in my heart for months and You want me to sing, now?  I can’t.” 

Yet there it was again, “Sing”.  So, I started singing a song that was popular at the time, one that was the favorite of my grandkids.

I started singing, “bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul, worship His Holy name.  Sing like never before, oh my soul and worship His Holy name.”

As I sang the presence of the Lord came into the room.  He reminded me that regardless of life’s situations He was with me, loving me, keeping me when everything else seemed to be falling apart.  He was/is the immovable rock upon which I could/can stand.

That morning as I began to sing, His faithfulness came shining through.  He touched my heart and filled my life with joy in the middle of heartbreak.

“I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth I will make know Your faithfulness to all generations.”

He is faithful!!! 

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, thank You for your faithfulness.  You are faithful even when we fail.  Even when we forget.  Even when our heart has lost hope.  Help me walk in Your love.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.