Trust Me

Trust Me!

Those are the words that I kept hearing a few years ago when I was faced with some potentially life altering news.  News that was hard to receive and as I processed the news it began to shatter my world.  I didn’t understand!!!  Why was I having to go through this?  Why would God allow this to happen?  I had been faithful, dedicated my life to Him, followed Him everywhere He led me.  I didn’t understand!!!! 

I was caught in a place of uncertainty which if I wasn’t careful could lead to a position of unbelief and what I needed in this moment was simply to Trust Him.

Psalm 23:5 says,

“you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.”

Jesus never said we wouldn’t face trouble or difficulties.  We aren’t promised a life of ease when we become a believer in Him.  Quite the opposite is true.  Jesus told His disciples that tribulations would come.

 John 16:33 says this:

 “these things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

While in the middle of my potentially life altering situation, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “Trust Me, I have kept you all your life, I have you and this situation in My hands.”

The enemies of your life may be all around you, waging war in your body through sickness or disease,  you may be fighting a battle for your marriage or your children, the enemy may be attacking you at your job or in your business, don’t give in to his words of intimidation.  Hear the Word of the Lord as He says, Trust Me! I’ve got this.  Just trust Me.

Do you remember those Holiday meals as a child?  Times when the extended family would gather together and eat, talk, enjoy each other’s company and celebrate the day.  That is a picture of what the Lord has for us even in the middle of life’s most difficult moments.  Nothing the enemy throws at you is a surprise to God.  It may take us by surprise but He is never surprised.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” David knew that God was with him.  Even when the battle was raging all around, God was there in the middle of it all making preparations for strength, fellowship with Him and a season of fresh anointing.  That’s right, in the middle of your battle, in the middle of those “life defining” moments, God is there to anoint you with a fresh, new anointing!!

A level of anointing that overflows…”my cup runs over”.  Don’t be afraid of the enemy’s words or actions.  God is bigger than your situation and is preparing an anointing that will overflow your ability to contain.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I pray that You would help my unbelief, help me to Trust You in all things and in every season.  It is my desire to fellowship with You.  I trust You with my life, my family and my situation. In Jesus Name. Amen.