We'll Leave the Light On For You

1 John 1:7

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

“Never walk through a dark house after the furniture has recently been rearranged.”   That was the thought that ran through my mind as I jumped around holding my foot.  My little toe had jammed into the foot of a very heavy chair as I walk toward the kitchen in the dark.  I hadn’t wanted to turn the light on as I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep.  I thought leaving the light off would help maintain my sleepy state and I would fall back to sleep quickly. 

Nothing will wake you up faster than the pain of a stubbed toe in the dark!!  My plan had failed.  I was wide awake and would lie awake for quite a while nursing a bruised little toe.

Why do we try to make our way in the darkness?

John 1:4-5 says “In Him was life and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

Without Jesus humanity is in darkness.  The darkness is the sinful state of a fallen world.  A fallen humanity that is separated from God.  Praise the Lord that the world now has the opportunity to be reconciled to God through His Son Jesus Christ. He turned the light on for us! We no longer have to walk blindly through life.  We can know the truth of God through our relationship with Him and His Word.  If we are to be successful at this, we must “walk in the light as He is in the light”.  That means that we must follow the path of Jesus.  In doing so, the world will not understand or “comprehend” the path of light we are walking, why we are walking this path of light or how we are able to do it.  We walk this path by faith in the “blood of Jesus Christ His Son” that “cleanses us from all sin”.

This doesn’t just happen.  Each of us has to make a conscious decision to follow Jesus.  Without that decision you will remain in darkness.  Only “in Him was life and the life was the light of men” and each one of us has the opportunity to choose life (light) or death(darkness).

Just as it was in my own power to turn on the light and successfully navigate my way to the kitchen or make the choice to walk in the dark, thinking I knew the way.  We too each have the choice to walk in the light or in darkness.  In the darkness we fail, we struggle, we die without Christ.  In the light we succeed, we reach our destination, we live life eternal with God.

The choice is yours!

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, forgive my sin and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.  Turn the light of Jesus Christ on in my life today.  I accept Him as the sacrifice for my sin!  Help me walk in Your path of righteousness today.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.