Where is Your Treasure?

Treasure has a way of showing up, when our children were young and still at home, we spent many vacations on the beaches of South Walton Florida.  During those carefree, restful days we would spend a certain amount of time looking for treasure, treasure from the sea.  Sand dollars, crabs, shark teeth and shells. 

We were so proud of our finds and would carefully examine each one, often competing with one another for who could find the best, but the best was often dependent upon who was looking. We all had and still do have differing opinions.

As the mom, at vacations end I would haul our treasures from the sea, home and put them away for safe keeping.  To me they represented our time together as family and more than the shells, the smiles, excitement and wonder was what made our treasure precious and worth keeping.

Now our children are grown and as of date we have six grandchildren, all beautiful blessings from the Lord.  Recently they were staying with us for a few days and while sitting in the back yard with the little ones, six-year-old Oakley who had been inside came out with a huge smile and wide eyes. She had discovered a tall green glass container full of shells, she was so excited to bring it and present it to me and her siblings as we sat in the backyard.  For the next 45 minutes I sat and watched each of them taking turns pulling out shells with wonder and excitement in their voices and eyes.  For me it was joyous, I was soaking in all of the treasure. 

Matthew 6:20-21 AMP says this: ‘Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also

This scripture is not telling us we should not have treasure but it is addressing what kind of treasure and where it is being stored.  Think about the things your collecting, holding on to, spending time and energy on.  The things your life is centering around.  Jesus is giving us clear direction here that any treasure that is not eternal is temporal and is futile.  At the end of life only the things that we have stored in heaven will be the ones that last.  That means we will often not see immediate results here on earth, they may take prayer, determination and most definitely faith but they are things of heavenly substance that will fuel the light of coming generations.  It is never a waste of time to lay up God’s treasure trove of His Word in your heart.  It is never futile to spend time loving people and sowing kindness into another’s life.  The list of treasure could go on and on but I challenge you to begin today discovering for yourself this priceless heavenly treasure and store up for yourselves in Heaven.  All other ground is just sinking sand. 

On that day, when our life here is complete and we’ve gone home to be with Jesus all those precious treasures will be revealed.  The wonder, joy, and unimaginable glory when our Lord we will see face to face.  Treasure will resurface, where is your treasure?

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for any way that I have not lived mindful of your Kingdom.  Open my eyes to see what matters to you and let my life be an extension of you on this earth.