Settling Your Mind

On December 23, 1823 the lyrics to one of the oldest and most famous Christmas poems of all time was published for the first time in the Troy Sentinel newspaper in upstate New York. The name of the poem? Twas the Night before Christmas. This story was most definitely a Christmas classic in our home and my dad would often quote lines from the poem in the days leading up to Christmas eve, what a picture it creates of that joyful evening for children and adults alike.  One particular verse in the poem struck me as particularly queer in its language, it says, “Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap had just settled our brains for a long winters nap.”  I understand now this wording is referring to their minds but as a child in the late 20th century this wording was strangely odd to me.

As a young girl I identified with the anticipation and excitement of the waiting children, but now as an adult I certainly feel the angst that the mom and dad felt in the days leading up to the “big day”.

 It’s easy to become consumed with buying the perfect gift, balancing the check book, while attending holiday parties and creating meaningful family time.  It’s a lot to balance.  When lying down in the bed at night its not so hard to understand why sometimes sleep and rest can elude us as our thoughts and visions race with activity. “Settling our brains” as the poem is penned now becomes completely comprehensible. 

The scripture from Psalm 63: 5-7 says this:

My whole being shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips when I remember You upon my bed and meditate on You in the night watches. For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings will I rejoice.

When we lie down in our beds at night, we have the power to choose what we will think on.  A restless mind will rob us of our joy but when we meditate on the goodness of God, how He has been our help then we will find our mouth filled with praise and joy on our lips.  I encourage you this holiday season to remember God, the gift of His son and His great love for you.  Recount the testimonies of how He has kept you and declare His promises in your life. 

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for when I have allowed the enemy to rob me of the joy, I have in you.  You are my song in the night hour, O how I love to rejoice in your great name. Amen