One Way

Our society has been and is in the midst of facing a fundamental shift in our way of thinking, processing and dissemination information.  Gone are the days of just a few people having a lot of information on any given subject.  Today we are just a word or two away from a plethora of information.  We take our smart phone or device and simply “Google” any given topic or subject to find the answer.  The problem we then face is knowing whether the information is correct, accurate, or even current.

Proverbs 1:2-3 says “To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, (3) To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgement and equity;”

It is my view that while we have an overwhelming amount of information, knowledge and statistics, we as a people don’t really know what to do with all of those resources, with all of that information. 

We live in an age where there is more information at our fingertips than any other society has ever seen.  What are we doing with all of this?  Where is the wisdom?  Where is the understanding?  What has happened to our society?

Proverbs 1:7 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”


We have left the fear of the Lord. Simply put, we don’t acknowledge Jehovah God as the one true God.  It seems that everyone is given to their own idea of who or what is truth.  There is one truth. That is God.   Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

With all of our learning and knowledge there is still only one Way!  That way is Jesus!

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Kurt