Move me out of my comfort zone BUT don't make me do anything to hard

I Chronicles 4:10.  Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. Bruce Wilkerson wrote a book on this verse (I wish I knew where I put it!) and expounds on it far better than I can.  However, there is one segment that really hit me between the eyes.  … Enlarge my territory …  That can also be read, expand my boundaries, take me out of my comfort zone.  Whoa!  Expanding my boundaries is fine, but take me out of my comfort zone?  I like it here.  I am safe here.  You can’t really want me to move beyond the level of my comfort! 

I am comfortable speaking in front of people, usually, because I can control what I say and I normally have a good grasp on what  I am speaking about.  I am comfortable talking about the Bible or business, again because I know my material.  However, a little known fact about me is that I am miserable in some social settings where I have to make small talk and be around people I barely know or do not know at all.  Why?  I am not in control.  I feel nervous that I am going to say or do something socially unacceptable.  I don’t want to expose myself.  Yet, God in His infinite wisdom has often put me in just those situations.  I have often found afterwards that relationships and connections were made that had a long-term effect.

The first portion of I Timothy 4:8 became a life verse for me in college – For bodily exercise profiteth little …  and I have attempted to live by that wisdom!  Several years ago my employer installed a workout room in our building complete with a trainer three days a week.  It was strongly encouraged that we avail ourselves of this service.  I participated for about three weeks and reached a point where I no longer had black spots in front of my eyes when I pedaled the exercise bike.  The trainer came up the next day and increased the time I had to pedal and the speed.  I was appalled.  I had just reached a point of comfort and now he was pushing me to a new uncomfortable place.  When I questioned the wisdom of this he said, “If you want to get stronger, you have to push yourself beyond your comfort zone – expand your borders.”  About a month later my husband and I went on vacation and in the course of our time had to walk quite a bit.  I discovered I had more stamina and could walk farther … probably because I had moved outside my exercise comfort zone.   

The rest of I Timothy 4:8 reads, “but godliness (the exercise of godliness) is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”  I read my Bible (some), I pray (over meals and at hard times), I go to church on Sunday and even some Wednesday nights!  Does this mean I have to do more, that I should do more?  That I need to get involved in the activities of the church in some way.   A very wise person once said, “The day you get satisfied with your spiritual life and what God is doing in your life is the day your walk with God starts to end.  What isn’t moving forward is going backward.”

Jabez prayed for expanded boundaries.  He wanted to be moved outside his comfort zone.   The last part of I Chronicles 4:10 says God answered his prayer.  If you are ready to be used of God, to have more power with God and to be moved out of your comfort zone/spiritual recliner, check out Jabez’ whole prayer – pray it and God will answer.  It may not be easy, but the rewards will last a lifetime and beyond.