His Purpose

As Pastor Kurt stated in last month’s word to us he spoke of “Beginnings”. As God’s will for us is to know and to have life and Light which all stem from God and His son Jesus Christ to all, to bring us out of darkness into His marvelous Light!

I would like to continue with this thought…Purpose!

It is God’s desire from our Beginnings to know the Purpose of the heart of God, and that is Family not just any Family but a family that flows from Heaven to earth! A family that comes from the heart of God of which has always included us.

Here’s the shock, not a family that could marvel with the thoughts of Angel’s and majestic creatures but a family that includes us! You and I! Our God and we his children, because really we are the off spring of God!

Jesus came to bridge the gap between man and God. He came to make us one! Not just religious but a people, a people that are no longer strangers and foreigners and aliens but a living house for God to dwell in. We are no longer strangers struggling but we are a special prized people whom the Father God wants to know, to have fellowship with and to love. His Purpose for you is to know who you are and who he is in you and who you are in Him. You are His Family and His dwelling place now, right now…..Let’s get ready He’s calling you!


Gen. 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.”

Our beginnings! We are a people searching the past to find out where we have come from, who we really are, and what our genetic makeup is comprised of. DNA tests have allowed us to delve into our genetic past in an attempt to clearly see “Who we are”. Somehow we seem to think that knowing these things will add to our life, add to our story, add to our history in a way that will help us better understand who we are. Inspite all our efforts to search out and understand our past to find greater meaning in our present, our lives can be “without form” ….void of meaning and purpose….lost in a sea of darkness.

The word “form” in the Hebrew translation can mean “confusion or emptiness”. So many people today have lives that are filled with confusion or empty of purpose.

Where can we find meaning? How do we find purpose? Where is the light?

There have been seasons in my life where I felt empty and alone. Didn’t know what I was suppose to be doing. It seemed as if I was lost in a world of darkness unable to navigate with any confidence of direction. Yet somehow God’s glorious presence pierced through it all and there was Light.

Gen 1:2 “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

It is God’s will and purpose to bring meaning, purpose, direction, light to the life of those who follow Him.

John 1:4 “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

He sent His “only begotten Son” to bring us into the Light so that our lives would not be without form, would not be full of confusion or empty.

If your life is filled with darkness, turn to the Light! If your life is in a state of confusion, turn to the Light! If your life is empty, turn to the One who can fill you with purpose, promise and power

to live beyond what this world has or doesn’t have to offer. Turn to Jesus who is the Life that is the Light to all Men!

Pastor Kurt