What's That Your Eating?

I recently found myself following a Social Media thread of my daughter-in-Love. She and my son live on a farm and raise horses.  On this posting she was alarmed at the quality of the cubes she was feeding her prized palomino cutting horse.  Concerned because her golden girl was having trouble tolerating her normal Alfalfa hay, her only alternative was to feed cubes, but there in was the problem.  After trying a couple of different cube brands, she was literally finding what I would call trash inside of these cubes.  Gravel, twine, even compressed animal carcass and hair in the middle of the food intended for her nourishment!  I was appalled and felt her disgust at spending money on such nonsense and angst at having fed it to an animal she’s responsible for and cares about.

Later that day during my Bible study I read this Scripture from Deut. 8:3

Man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.

The Lord will use peculiar ways to speak to us, and on this day, I heard the Lord speaking to me about the quality of the “Bread” we ingest.  No not the loaf we pick up from the local grocer but the bread that comes from the Word of the Lord.  In today’s culture we are inundated with “Words”.  We hear everybody’s version of truth. We hear it on the news, social media, radio, or in our circle of friends.  Never in time has communication been so easily accessible. To hear and be heard, the ability to share thoughts and ideas is literally at our fingertips.  But what about the quality?

The Word of God, to us, is bread. Bread here is not a luxury but a necessary staple to our existence, the source of living…….LIFE, it is the bread of life. 

So, circling back to those “cubes.” The search for a cube that will bring health and nourishment, a cube filled with pure content minus the junk filler! A necessary cube if life is to be lived at its best.

  We too may find ourselves searching for things that pertain to life, but the variety of word we find, however popular is often nothing more than a virtual buffet of worldly ideology. There is not a lack of voices eager to feed us a false sense of security, one day giving hope and the next day pulling it out from under us. Twisting truth, giving the appearance of something good but on further investigation it is the opposite. Don’t get me wrong.  There are “good” words out there, but they’re not the same as God’s Word. And they will not sustain life.   

 Satan is a liar and the father of all lies (John 4:48) He is also the Prince of the Power of the Air (Ephesians 2:2).  It is not a coincidence that communication travels through the air and Satan is controlling that avenue. 

“Maybe I’m just picky?” my daughter-in-love questioned.  Haven’t we all asked ourselves that question.  Maybe we are expecting to much, maybe we should just settle for a little less. Maybe this is just as good as it gets?  But NO, Jesus came that we might have life and life abundant (to the full, till it overflows) John 10:10.  That life is found through Jesus Christ, that life is sustained by the daily intake of His Word.  Don’t settle, don’t get used to the junk and the trash this world is trying to convince you to ingest.  Pick the best, Pick His word.  Open and read it with a hearing hear. Let your heart receive it and your tongue speak it.  We don’t live by the word of the world but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. 

PRAYER: Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.

Scriptures to read: Deut: 8, Matt. 4:4, Psalm 19:10, 119:105