What Are You Seeking?

Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east at its rising and have come to worship Him.  Matthew 2:2

When they saw the star, they were thrilled with ecstatic joy. Matthew 2:10 AMP

The dictionary defines the word anticipation as the act of looking forward, especially pleasurable expectation.  During the Christmas season we have many things to look forward to with anticipation.  For our grandchildren that might be anticipation of a visit from Santa and his reindeer, opening wrapped presents from under the tree or hanging their stockings by the fireplace.  For us adults it may be decorating the tree, cherishing family time or just watching the joy on the faces of our loved ones as gifts are exchanged.  Anticipation leads up to something, it points the way for the fulfillment of something waited for and expected.  Oh, what joy we experience when the expected is revealed.

The Wise men in Matthew Chapter two were on a mission to find the one who had been born, King of the Jews.  Their journey had taken them some time, as they traveled, they followed a star that was leading them to the appointed destination. No maps, just a star and their belief in the prophetic foretelling of the birth of the savior.   

Matthew 2:10 in the amplified describes the culmination of their anticipation as being thrilled with ecstatic joy, that is; joy that is overwhelming, elated, giddy with excitement.  Their joy led them to fall on their knees and worship him then open up their treasure bags and present to Him gifts-gold and frankincense and myrrh.

The wise men of old were anticipating the discovery of this long-awaited King, we have been given the joy of discovering Him every day through His word and prayer.  Jesus, willingly was made lower than the angels, born in a lowly manger, lived among us to experience the same temptations as us yet he overcame for us, sinless yet condemned to die for us.  Through him we know the joy of salvation! The freedom of sin and life abundant.  Oh, what a reason we have for ecstatic joy!  There will never be a more personal monumental discovery than when you discover the One, The Great I AM, Emanuel, God with Us, Jesus the Savior of the World.  He is waiting on you today.  Will you seek Him out?  Will you worship Him, will you present to him yourself, a living sacrifice?  He is waiting for YOU.

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father I come to you today in the name of Jesus.  Forgive me for when I have put you in second place, I present myself to you as a living sacrifice, I pray that you will make me holy and acceptable to you.  I give you my praise and I exalt you as King and I invite you to be Lord over all my Life.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

What Will You Do with the Unexpected?

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:13

The dictionary describes the word suddenly as something happening abruptly without warning, quickly.  Can you just imagine these Shepherds on a quiet, starry night watching their flocks on a hillside just outside of Bethlehem?  They were doing what they did every other night, going about life as normal when SUDDENLY, out of nowhere an Angel of the Lord appears.  Scripture describes a bright light, the Glory of the Lord lighting up their dark hillside with news of a heavenly birth.  The unexpected had come to group of ordinary men in a most unusual way. 

What will you do with the unexpected?  Life is notorious for throwing the unexpected at us. A flat tire, bill, sickness, loss, or a raise at work, good news from a friend, kindness from a stranger. Somethings are welcome surprises and some not so welcome.  Life can change in an instant.

 We often take the ordinary for granted until the unexpected comes around.  Then we have a choice to make.  How will we respond to the sudden intrusion? 

The scripture tells us that after the Angelic host of heavenly beings finished their Hallelujah chorus they departed just as quickly as they had appeared.  However; the shepherds did NOT go back to business as usual.  Their lives had been interrupted for purpose.  The Shepherds response in verse 15 was to say to one another, let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made know to us.  The shepherd left the hillside and sought out the Savior, and after they had visited Mary, Joseph and the new baby Jesus it says they made known what had been told them concerning the Child and all who heard it were astounded and marveled. 

Our response to the Suddenly determines how we will walk through into the next chapters of our journey.  Will we respond in fear or faith? Obedience or disobedience? Trusting or doubting? Praising or complaining? The choice is ours.  Remember the shepherds faithful walk and how their ordinary life became Life extraordinaire! 

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you that you are the Lord of my Life.  I trust you with today.  I believe you have my very best interest in mind and I thank you that All things will work out for good for those who are called according to your purpose in Christ Jesus. In Jesus Name, amen.