Exercise ?

Many New year’s resolutions will include becoming active and fit.  People will change their diet, join fitness clubs and become set on improving their physical and mental health through clean living.  While none of this is a bad thing it is to no avail if we do not also take care of our eternal man.  While the outward body is perishing the inward man will live on in eternity, so it is therefore imperative to be renewed daily (ref. II Cor. 4:16) How we live our life out in relation to our Father God will determine where we will spend eternity. 

Let’s take a look at what the spirit of the Lord would speak to us in His word concerning the strengthening and growth of our eternal inward being. 

But also, for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1: 5-8

The Amplified Bible uses the word “exercising” In the above verse to describe the phrase from the NKJV “add to your faith,” so that it reads “employ every effort in exercising your faith”.  Therefore, we can understand that the place of growth for the inner man begins by exercising what the spirit of the Lord has given us.  When we exercise in the physical, we become stronger, our muscles develop and our overall stature is affected. We stand straighter, and feel better as we develop and “add to” the muscles we already have.  The same is true for the inner man.  The core of our inner man is our faith, it is what every other Christian attribute is built upon. 

We have already seen in verse three of 2nd Peter Ch. 1, that it is the divine power of God who gives us everything we need, so we are not on our own to produce the Christian attributes as described above.  God is there to help us but it is our responsibility to give ourselves to that training and teaching.  Just as we set ourselves on a physical regimen to become more fit, we need also to set our mind and heart on exercising our inner man.  To build upon those things God has imparted to us.  Sometimes physical exercise can be painful, and sometimes exercising our Godly character may feel awkward or ill fitted.  Our out-ward man may rebel against things like self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.  But it is inevitable that the more we practice, and give ourselves in obedience to live out the character of Christian living growth will come, fruit will be produced.

May 2020 be the year of abundant growth and development in your inner man! To God be the glory!

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you for your divine power which helps me day to day.  I ask you to help me to begin to live out your divine nature in my everyday life, bearing fruit that others may see you in me.  Let your love flow from me to others.  In Jesus name. Amen.



For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through [d]true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. 2 Peter 1:3 AMPC

Beginning this new year of 2020, it’s not uncommon for us to find ourselves looking introspectively at our life, thoughts, and feelings.  Reflecting on what was and what we expect and desire from the days ahead. 

When I read 2 Peter 1:3, I am struck by a couple of words specifically. Words that have the power to give us encouragement and insightful perspective for this new year.   First of all, Divine Power, that would be God’s Power.  Secondly the words life and called.  These words speak volumes to who we are and to our mission as travelers here on this Earth. 

Peter in this verse is speaking to those who are fellow Christians, those who have accepted Christ and surrendered their lives to His will and are submitted to following His way.  We are given the revelation of our life-giving power source and it is Divine in nature.  God has by his divine power given to us absolutely EVERYTHiNG necessary for life and godliness.  Who does not want life and Godliness? LIFE, real living, not just existing but the kind of life that is abundant. The kind of life that can only be found in Christ Jesus.  Godliness, which none of us are capable of living on our own.  We will never be good enough or righteous enough but through His divine power he will give us the ability to live a life of godliness. The pathway is through a true and personal knowledge of Him who called us.

The Called, that is you!  The Shepherd is calling for you.  For those who don’t know him He’s calling for you to come, His arms are open wide.  For those of you who know Him, he’s calling for you to come deeper, to trust Him more, seek Him more, desire Him more! You are called by His own glory and excellence. Will you answer?

The beginning of a new year may bring feelings of hope and expectancy but for some terror or dread.  As a believer live life knowing that God has already supplied all that you need. Rise to your calling and choose to live life connected to the one true life giver, Jesus Christ.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father I thank you that you are my life giver and source of life. Forgive me for when I have tried to do it on my own. I ask you to fill me with the knowledge and understanding of your will for my life in Christ Jesus. AMEN