Psalm 23:6
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will [a]dwell in the house of the Lord
What follows you as you walk through life’s journey? I guess that question could be restated as “What is your legacy?” what are you leaving behind you as you pass through this life?
I remember as a very young boy meeting my grandma’s dad. He was in his eighties at the time and I was around 3 or 4 years old. My memory of him is very simple yet profound. I remember his smile and how his eyes lit up when he picked me up and said hello. He carried me around for a bit and then put me down. I don’t remember much about what he said to me but I will forever remember his smile and the joy and kindness in his eyes and on his face as he looked at me.
As I grew older, I heard stories of him from my grandma and family. I felt like I knew him. His legacy to me and for me was joy and kindness shared in a singular moment. If those little moments can leave a lasting impression, think about what a life time of relationship and influence can do.
David recognized that his relationship with the Lord would have a profound effect on him. It would cause him to walk in a way that would leave a legacy of goodness and mercy. Because he was walking in the goodness and mercy of God, it was not only for his good but also the good of those who would follow him on this path. The path of following God.
My great grandpa passed away a few months after I met him. Though I only knew him for a short while, it has been shared with me that he was a man who spread joy and kindness where ever he went. It was his nature.
We, as followers of Christ, should display the goodness and mercy that He has shown us through our Christian walk. We should begin to show the nature of our Heavenly Father. It should flow into us through His Word and our prayer life. It (His nature) should flow out of us and “follow” us all the days of our life.
Our legacy, like David’s, should point others to the source of our goodness and mercy. It should point others to the “house of the Lord” or the place of His presence. The place of relationship with Him. Our legacy should point to the love and character of Jesus Christ.
David’s desire was to dwell in (be connected to) the house of the Lord forever. While we don’t worship in a tabernacle as in the time of David, we understand that His presence is with us as we gather together in our houses of worship (church) and as we worship throughout the week at home, at work or in the car driving down the road.
Will you let His goodness and mercy flow through you to a world that is in great need of the goodness and character of God?
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. I come asking that You would help me to allow Your goodness and mercy, Your character and Spirit, to flow through me so that others might come to know You. I ask this in Jesus Name. Amen.